Here are useful information and website that help you to take prompt action in case of disaster as well as usual disaster prevention measures.
Shizuoka Prefectural Government
This Facebook page serves as the official English information platform operated by the Shizuoka Prefectural Government for disseminating disaster-related information.
If you’re planning to visit Shizuoka, be sure to check it out!
Facebook :
JST managed by Japan National Tourism Organization ( Twitter )
JST is managed by Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), providing foreign visitors safety tips and latest information in case of natural disasters.
JST provides information that contributes to the safety and security of travelers in Japan, including alerts and warnings related to natural disasters, disruptions in transportation systems, reminders about infectious diseases and heatstroke, and more.
twitter :
Safety Information App
© Japan Tourism Agency.
・Push Notifications for Disaster Information:
Receive instant alerts for various disaster-related information, such as earthquake warnings, volcanic eruption alerts, heat illness advisories, and more.
・Useful Contact Lists:
Access a helpful list of contacts, including embassy information and tourist assistance details.
・Free Download:
The app is available for free download.
Key Functionality:
・Earthquake Notifications:
Users can view detailed information about earthquakes, including the epicenter, depth, magnitude, and other data based on historical earthquake records with an intensity level above 3.
・User-Friendly for First-Time Visitors:
The app is especially beneficial for newcomers to Japan. It allows users to identify their current location and review past data, enabling them to be prepared in case of emergencies.
This app is designed to cater to foreign visitors and provide them with essential disaster preparedness information.
iOS :
Android :